Belle Sculpt, the Fastest, Safest, Slimming Machine. Guaranteed.
Belle Sculpt is FDA Cleared for Aesthetics Body Sculpting Treatments in Summerville, SC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Belle Sculpt?

Belle Sculpt is an innovative, non-surgical radio frequency device designed to sculpt and contour the body. Patients who receive this treatment experience an average of one-inch reduction in circumference in as few as two treatments on the abdomen.

How long does the treatment take?

The length of the procedure depends on which areas of the body are being treated. As a gauge, it usually takes about 30 minutes to treat the abdomen.

How many treatments are required?

The full treatment protocol is three visits per treated area. Additional treatments may be recommended to ensure that the desired results are achieved.

Does it hurt?

Most patients find Belle Sculpt perfectly comfortable. During treatment, a warming of the skin is noted along with a pulling sensation as the radiofrequency and vacuum work to smooth out unwanted stubborn pockets of fat.

Is there any downtime?

No. This is a noninvasive procedure and the patient is able to resume normal activities immediately after treatment. There may be some tenderness in the treatment area afterward, but that should resolve after a day or two.

Are there any side effects?

There are no side effects except a slight tenderness and minimal bruising.

How long does it take to see results?

Immediately after treatment the patient’s body will start to break down and flush out the remnants of the fat cells that have been treated. This begins the reduction in the treated area’s circumference. Each patient responds differently, but most see noticeable results within two days of the first treatment and full results within thirty days.

How much does it cost?

The cost of treatment depends on which area of the body is being treated and how many treatments are needed to achieve the desired results. Belle Sculpt is approximately one-third the cost of CoolSculpting®.

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